Archive for September, 2015

Coercion to Consent: from Eugenics to the Right to Choose

Coercion to Consent: from Eugenics to the Right to Choose

September 29, 2015 at 11:16 am 0 comments

From the hype surrounding the film Fifty Shades of Grey, based on books by a female author, E. L. James, those unacquainted with its subject matter might assume that it was a romantic if slightly saucy ‘chick flick’; but the whole phenomenon highlights how the eugenics idea has risen likeRead More

Corbyn’s disastrous elevation

Corbyn’s disastrous elevation

September 16, 2015 at 7:42 pm 0 comments

In a globalised world, Britain’s disasters will rebound on everyone, and make no mistake about it: Corbyn’s elevation to Labour leadership is disastrous. To Marx the spectre haunting Europe was that of communism, but he was only partly right. Communism is only a facet of a larger entity: evil. AtRead More

Syrian refugees, European havens and wanting ‘to be a person’

Syrian refugees, European havens and wanting ‘to be a person’

September 13, 2015 at 7:55 pm 0 comments

As he alighted from a boat recently on the island of Kos in Greece, an out of breath Syrian refugee was met by a journalist’s microphone and said simply  – ‘I want to be a person. Here I can be a person’. Yet another man nearby said in  broken EnglishRead More

Parliament overwhelmingly rejects assisted suicide

Parliament overwhelmingly rejects assisted suicide

September 13, 2015 at 7:41 pm 1 comment

Parliament voted against legalising assisted suicide yesterday by an overwhelming majority of 330 to 118. Of the 448 MPs voting, 73% opposed Labour MP Rob Marris’s proposed legislation with 210 Conservatives, 91 Labour MPs  and 11 Scottish National Party MPs rejecting the Bill. Although it is generally thought there isRead More