Other News

Where the black flags fly

Where the black flags fly

August 25, 2014 at 5:55 pm 0 comments

Media conveys immediacy, but it doesn’t convey culture. Its famous flattening effect makes shoppers at a Staples in D.C. or a Whole Foods in Berkeley feel like they’re right among the toppled buildings of Aleppo or Gaza, without actually giving them any insight into the motivations of the players. They’reRead More

Good men doing nothing?

Good men doing nothing?

August 23, 2014 at 4:43 pm 0 comments

The West doesn’t do foreign policy. Instead, Obama makes slick speeches, Cameron performs PR stunts, the EU issues memoranda of intent then does nothing, while the best that Theresa May can come up with is “Asbos for extremists” – making murderous terrorists go stand in the naughty corner for halfRead More

Runnymede address for The Freedom Association

Runnymede address for The Freedom Association

June 15, 2014 at 4:54 pm 0 comments

Runnymede Address 15th June 2014 for The Freedom Association The image at the centre of the struggle for freedom 799 years ago was Magna Carta. It was a benign image. The image at the centre of the struggle for freedom today is the European Union. It is a satanic image. Its champions bribeRead More

The Dawkins delusion

The Dawkins delusion

June 6, 2014 at 5:11 pm 0 comments

The Dawkins Delusion by Jasper C. Grobbleburp III– published by Twerp House Publishing Ltd 3/6; also Wacky Books Inc 1$ This splendid book brilliantly exposes the primitive myth of Richard Dawkins. Is is astonishing to reflect that in the 21st century millions of people worldwide actually believe that there is aRead More

The ecclesiastical politburo

The ecclesiastical politburo

May 22, 2014 at 2:16 pm 0 comments

One of the main features of fascist regimes is their unwillingness to listen to rational, informed criticism. Well, if a perverse unwillingness to respond to criticism and to enter reasonable discussion and debate is a defining characteristic of fascism, then the Church of England authorities qualify perfectly. When the Liturgical CommissionRead More

Expunging the past

Expunging the past

May 20, 2014 at 2:08 pm 0 comments

Totalitarianism or what? The European Court has declared that “in appropriate cases” information should be deleted from articles on the Internet. The example given was of a Spaniard who some years ago received a conviction for debt and he successfully argued that this fact should not be there at theRead More

What’s the EU for?

What’s the EU for?

May 20, 2014 at 11:46 am 0 comments

Jeremy Warner asks this good question in today’s Telegraph. He can’t find a good answer because, as he correctly observes, all EU economies except Germany’s and ours are stagnating, and those of such key EU members as Italy and the Netherlands are actually shrinking. The assumption is that the EU isRead More

Things Farage can’t say, especially if they’re true

Things Farage can’t say, especially if they’re true

May 17, 2014 at 11:57 am 0 comments

Nigel Farage is in trouble yet again, and one would think he ought to have learned by now. Mind you, Nigel would get in trouble with the media of any political hue even if he said that the sky is usually blue, except at night when it’s black, or onRead More

Blockbusting news: the rich have more money

Blockbusting news: the rich have more money

May 16, 2014 at 12:08 pm 0 comments

Have you recovered from the initial shock? Well then, you must be eternally grateful to the Office for National Statistics for breaking the news. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the ONS has vindicated Ernest Hemingway who reported this dialogue. Scott Fitzgerald: The rich are different from you and me. Hemingway: Yes, theyRead More

Invasion of the body-snatchers

Invasion of the body-snatchers

May 14, 2014 at 2:28 pm 0 comments

Picture the massed crowds turning out for Hitler at Nuremburg, vast, faceless, more like a geometrical object than a gathering of human beings. Ditto the parades for Mao and for the Great Leader in North Korea. It is the trademark of totalitarianism and its aim is the obliteration of personality andRead More