Archive for August, 2014

Where the black flags fly

Where the black flags fly

August 25, 2014 at 5:55 pm 0 comments

Media conveys immediacy, but it doesn’t convey culture. Its famous flattening effect makes shoppers at a Staples in D.C. or a Whole Foods in Berkeley feel like they’re right among the toppled buildings of Aleppo or Gaza, without actually giving them any insight into the motivations of the players. They’reRead More

Good men doing nothing?

Good men doing nothing?

August 23, 2014 at 4:43 pm 0 comments

The West doesn’t do foreign policy. Instead, Obama makes slick speeches, Cameron performs PR stunts, the EU issues memoranda of intent then does nothing, while the best that Theresa May can come up with is “Asbos for extremists” – making murderous terrorists go stand in the naughty corner for halfRead More